Our super elite agents run a private piece of software developed here at Rent-a-Medic®. This software allows agents to see an overview of the current game lobby and the players within it, and provides controls to record suspicions, notes, and evidence.
The software performs passive analysis, informing agents when players have cheat-related bans from community servers, VAC bans, or prior suspicion by other agents. It also performs passive data collection, like recording chat logs, monitoring loadouts, and tracking critical hits.
The process through which we classify players as cheaters is highly complex and situational. In general, the process starts with data collection, followed by suspicion from one of our agents, and finally evolves into an official mark after enough time and evidence.
Marking a player as a cheater is a serious step and is not taken lightly. Our elite agents have compassion for others and care about this game, so marking an innocent player is not acceptable to them. And, as moderators of the very first bot detector program, they are committed to leading by example.
Therefore, our agents never mark players as cheaters unless they are absolutely certain beyond any doubt. Short of that, they will internally mark the player as suspicious, and continue to quietly monitor them for as long as it takes.